
Posts Tagged ‘Madonna’

Thanks to the ubiquity of gossip websites on the internet, infotainment TV shows and the glut of glossy pop culture magazines at the grocery check out, no place is safe from celebrity news.

Certain faces appear again and again, bouncing into the news because of a newly-discovered baby bump, a stint in rehab, or an imminent divorce, often coinciding with a multi-million dollar movie opening or album launch.


A little scary, frankly.

Who isn’t sick of Tom Cruise, who’s been overexposed for several years in a row now, thanks to his couch-jumping, maniacal enthusiasm for Stepford wife Katie Holmes and his well-publicized disdain for psychiatric meds and his aggressive proselytizing on behalf of Scientology?

This year a 10-minute tape on YouTube surfaced (then quickly vanished) of Cruise talking about his religion.

“Being a Scientologist, when you drive past an accident, it’s not like anyone else, it’s, you drive past, you know you have to do something about it. You know you are the only one who can really help.” (more…)

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